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Need a good laugh? Leave it to Lu Sicilianu Raggiatu

Snob Reviews  by Gianni Fiasche


Over the past few there has been an emerging talent of Italian-Canadian comedians hitting social media platforms, and really becoming household names. This is no different for Joe Pellerino, who you may know as Lu Sicilianu Raggiatu. Joe could possibly be the definition of an almost “overnight success”. Speaking with him over the phone, you could hear his smile, and you can tell he loves what he does; making people happy. This is Pellerino’s ultimate goal. Lu Sicilianu Raggiatu is gearing up for his first ever Montreal performance next week; here’s what he had to say:

GF: Is it true this will be your first ever performance in Montreal?

JP: Yes, yes! First time ever performing in Montreal, man, I’m super excited about that.

GF: Tell me how this whole thing started for you:

JP: You know it all started because I’m the funny one in the family, there’s always that “scemo” who makes people laugh, and I’ve always been that guy. I follow a bunch of these other guys on social media, and I turned to my wife one day and said I’m gonna try this social media stuff for my family and friends, and it just kicked off. I made one video and it kind of picked up speed, but then I made a second video and almost overnight I got half a million views on Facebook and Instagram. It’s been a roller coaster ride from there on out.

GF: And this is all in the span of one year?

JP: All in the span of less than a year, man. It’s fantastic! It’s taken off with fire, and the reason I think it’s taken off this way is because it’s so close to home, everyone can relate to this type of comedy. It’s everybody’s mother, father, nonna, nonno, you know we’re all the same. I just want to keep memories alive, and I think that’s what I’m doing. I just feel very, very blessed to make people laugh.

GF: Do you have any experience in comedy at all?

JP: No, I don’t at all actually! This is my first semi-professional shot at it. I performed on a comedy tour last October with comedian Enrico Rennella, he wanted me to be a part of his show, and that was my very first time on stage. I immediately caught the comedy bug, man. My very first show I received a standing ovation from the sold out audience.

GF: Now that you’re implicated in this comedy world, have you studied comedy or are you doing it your own way?

JP: That’s a really good question; I never really studied anybody. I have my favorite comics, like Sebastian Maniscalco, Kevin Hart that I admire. I love comedians who have worked hard to get where they are. I love that they’re naturally funny and they are also physical comics, and that’s something I’m trying to interpret in my act.

GF: Besides making people happy, what is another inspiration for you?

JP: The inspiration for me is to have the younger generations keep the Italian heritage and culture alive. I feel like the next generation of Italians will lose that Italian culture – it’s a scary thing. I want the next generation to continue on.

GF: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

JP: The best answer I can give you is, I don’t know. I’m taking all this as it comes. What I’d really like to see myself doing the most, is just making as many people smile and laugh at once.

Pellerino can’t wait to be in Montreal and have the time of his life. A humble man in all senses of the word. You can catch Lu Sicilianu Raggiatu performing alongside comedians Joey Kola, Rob Magnotti and Joe Cacchione at Italian Bad Boyz Of Comedy XV, Saturday, March 3rd, at Plaza Universel. Dinner starts at 6:00PM, and tickets cost 85$ and are selling FAST! Call Ralph Buttino (VMG Entertainment) for tickets and info at 514-707-9836. See you there!


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