venerdì 5 Luglio 2024 | 20:23

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Arte e Spettacolo

Gino Vannelli torna con “Wilderness Road”

Il cantante italo-montrealese presenterà i nuovi brani del suo album a Place des Arts con due concerti in programma venerdì 26 e sabato 27 aprile al Teatro Maisonneuve

Vince l’amore per la musica italiana

Una bella serata all’insegna delle emozioni che solo la musica sa regalare, attraverso le voci di giovani pieni di energia, di talento e di gioia di vivere. È quella che si è svolta sabato 23 febbraio al Teatro Mirella e Lino Saputo del Centro Leonardo Da Vinci, nel cuore di Saint Léonard

A SnobTalk with Sooshi Mango

If you’ve never heard of Sooshi Mango you might be wondering; who the hell are Sooshi Mango? The comedic troupe from down under is compiled of brothers Joe and Carlo, and their good friend Andrew, and they live for making comedy relatable to their fans around the world. Having been seen on YouTube and social media hundreds of thousands of times, Sooshi Mango

A conversation with Just for Laughs President, Bruce Hills

Stand-up comedy is tough. Everybody says it, but take it from those who perform night after night, club after club and struggle to make it. That is why Just for Laughs has co-produced a brilliant new series for Amazon Prime entitled; Inside Jokes

A SnobTalk with the hilarious and humble Gino Durante

The Comédie Lounge CLDV Comedy Lounge is back this month at the Leonardo Da Vinci Centre, and headlining the show is the brilliant and funny; Gino Durante. The local stand-up comedian has come a long way in six years of performing stand-up and he continues to strive to become better

A SnobTalk with Giuseppe The MC

Giuseppe Meleca, or as some of you may know him; Giuseppe The MC, has made quite the name for himself. Having toured all over England, Australia and North America, the Torontonian is just getting started with big projects lined-up, while never losing sight of his roots. I had the chance to speak with Giuseppe who will be performing at the Italian Bad Boyz of Comedy: Toronto Invasion

A SnobTalk with comedian Neil Janna

Everybody needs a laugh; am I right? Today’s world needs more laughter and less hatred. People need to stop taking things so seriously and start being more joyful. That is why when Pat Buttino and Frank Sorrentino of the Leonardo Da Vinci Centre in Saint-Leonard approached me to start a monthly stand-up comedy show; I didn’t hesitate to take up the offer.

Massimo Ranieri con ‘Anema e core’

Due ore tutte d’un fiato con Massimo Ranieri mattatore versatile, istrionico e inarrestabile sul palco del Place Bell: il cantante napoletano ha fatto impazzire i circa 2.500 connazionali che, sabato 5 maggio, hanno riempito di entusiasmo il parterre e gli spalti del Place Bel, nel cuore di Laval

Gli scrittori italo-canadesi al Blue Met Festival

Domenica 29 Aprile è stata la giornata dell’Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW) presso il Blue Metropolis “Books & Ideas”, il Festival della letteratura internazionale di Montréal, quest’anno alla sua 20esima edizione, come sempre presso l’Hotel 10

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