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A SnobTalk with comedian Neil Janna

by Gianni Fiasche

Everybody needs a laugh; am I right? Today’s world needs more laughter and less hatred. People need to stop taking things so seriously and start being more joyful. That is why when Pat Buttino and Frank Sorrentino of the Leonardo Da Vinci Centre in Saint-Leonard approached me to start a monthly stand-up comedy show; I didn’t hesitate to take up the offer. As an avid comedy fan, this is the stuff dreams are made of. The Comédie Lounge CLDV Comedy Lounge will begin its first run of shows this coming Friday, October 19th with a string of hilarious local comics, both Franco and Anglo. The comics include Sesy George, Dixit Patel, Reginald St-Eloy, Emile Khoury and headliner and Just For Laughs veteran; Neil Janna. He’s performed at JFL 14 times, has worked with John Cleese, Jimmy Fallon and performed for Prince Charles. Talk about a résumé. I got the chance to speak with Neil Janna about inaugurating the CLDV Comedy Lounge and here’s what went down:

GF: How did comedy start for you?

NJ: When I was studying at McGill, I saw an ad in The Gazette mentioning a comedy workshop, and if you attending the workshop which took place at The Comedy Nest, you were able to sit in and watch the show that evening for free. Back then, there weren’t many local comics like there are today, so the idea of this workshop was to groom some new Montreal talent. Some friends of mine were pushing me to attend the workshop, and I did and they’d give me homework to do that involved comedy. One night after the workshop, Ernie Butler, the owner of the Nest told me he was putting me on. I got all nervous, called up a few friends to come check out the show, and that same night Ernie bought me a beer, and said “welcome to the club, buddy”.

GF: Do you still get that rush before you hit the stage like you did when you first started?

NJ: Oh yeah, I love it and I still get that rush of electricity. The thing I love most is interacting with the crowd, because most of my set is improvised. I’ll have my opening and closing bits, but the rest is in the crowd work.

GF: Who do you site as comedic influences?

NJ: Growing up I looked up to Steve Martin, but I love Robin Williams. His improv skills were unlike any other, and he was so quick on his feet. He was incredible to watch.

GF: What makes Montreal crowds better than the rest?

NJ: Oh man, they’re just so great. I love performing in Montreal because they’re innovative and experienced crowds. The city is exposed to JFL which makes the crowds really understand and know different types of comedy.

GF: What’s Neil Janna’s favorite movie?

NJ: That’s a great question and a tough one, but I’ll go with “Grease”.

GF: Who’s your favorite band or artist?

NJ: I love Queen, and they’re coming out with that movie next month, really looking forward to that one (“Bohemian Rhapsody”). I also love Bruno Mars right now and P!NK for whatever reason, don’t judge me. Ha-ha.

GF: What song would you have played at your funeral?

NJ: Oh man, you and these tough questions! That’s a great one too; you know I’ll go with “We’re Here For A Good Time (Not A Long Time)” by Trooper. I’ve got to put that in my will now.

We know we’ll have a GREAT time at the Comédie Lounge CLDV Comedy Lounge, this Friday October 19th. The show is SOLD OUT but another show has been announced Friday, November 23rd with a completely different line-up of hilarious comics. Tickets cost 20$ and go on sale this weekend, for more info contact me, Gianni at 514-779-5588. See you there!


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