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Jazz Festival to welcome back JD McPherson


Throughout the year, the Montreal Jazz Festival hosts the “Jazz All Year Round” series, and this coming Saturday the festival is welcoming back the great and unique JD McPherson. If you’re not familiar with this singer, songwriter and guitarist, please read this article and then go listen to his music. McPherson just finished a string of shows in Europe, and is now gearing up for some more North American shows, including a stop in Montreal. He’ll be playing his hits, along with new music from his new album “Undivided Heart & Soul”. I had the great opportunity to speak with JD about his career and upcoming show, and here’s what he had to say:

GF: I’ve got to start off by saying I’m a big fan of yours. I’ve been listening to you since your first album, “Signs & Signifiers”, and it’s an honor to be talking to you today. How’s the tour going so far?

JDM: Oh wow man, I really appreciate that! Well we kind of had a couple of weeks off, and we were previously on the road in the UK and Europe, which was probably the best tour we’ve had so far, but we’re looking forward to getting back out there and seeing some action!

GF: Let’s talk about the new album, “Undivided Heart & Soul”; you still manage to keep that authentic sound you have, which is great, but how did this album come about?

JDM: I kind of have this bad habit where I make it so much harder on myself than it really is. My friend calls me a “tormented writer”, I don’t normally write for myself all the time, but I’ll write for other people sometimes, so I don’t write my own music until it’s time to make a record. I write an album at a time is what it is, and it was time to get out some new music. The recording process started off quite rocky, but it all came together in the end. We recorded this album in Nashville at RCA Studio B, where Elvis Presley, The Everly Brothers, and Roy Orbison recorded. We were only supposed to record only 3 tracks, but ended up recording the entire new record there. It was surreal, and we were able to use that iconic space, use the equipment, it just saved the entire day.

GF: That’s a great story! You’ve been playing new songs on this tour, what’s the reception been like?

JDM: It’s been incredible, honestly. That’s the thing you know, even if the songs shift or the sound shifts a tiny bit, honestly if you look at it we’ve only allowed some sounds to change from a decade down the road. It’s basically a garage rock record, but people have been really warm with their reception.

GF: Was your family musical? Did you start playing guitar at a young age?

JDM: I got my first guitar when I was 13, and I only learned a few chords, but I didn’t get into playing until I was about 15. My older brother, who is sixteen years older than I am, grew up listening to Zeppelin and the Allman brothers, so that’s when I realized I really wanted to play.

GF: What’s your favorite format of music? I feel like you’d be a vinyl guy:

JDM: I mean I’ll listen to anything, but I don’t really stream music, not because I don’t want to but just because I can’t get it to work on my phone *Laughs*.  But yes, when I’m home I really love to listen to records.

GF: What could we expect at your show in Montreal?

JDM: The show is really honed down; the live show is really kickin’ right now. You know, we go by 100% physical commitment. It’s really good, well-crafted show.

GF: What is your next goal?

JDM: Well it’s a musical goal, but we will have more recorded music and albums, more specifically we will have an album’s worth of songs out by the end of the year. That’s the goal.

JD McPherson will be performing at L’Astral, this Saturday, April 14th at 8pm. A few tickets are still available at, tickets cost 37$. You don’t want to miss this show; see you there!


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