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The Nasty Show gets nastier than ever for JFL35

#FESTIVALTALK by Gianni Fiasche


If you’re a fan of raunchy comedy, Just For Laughs has something nasty to offer you. The Nasty Show is back again this year, and nastier than ever! Featuring a masterful line-up of the nastiest comedians on the planet, and hosted by New Yorker Ari Shaffir (who just released 2 Netflix specials a few weeks ago-check them out!). The night started off with Robert Kelly, and he kicked it right into fifth gear. Poking fun at his own life and youngsters, and mentioning that he only has “30 summers left to live”. Following Kelly was the only female in the show, Yamaneika Saunders. This bad girl of comedy covered everything from skinny women who don’t need to be at the gym (which generated tons of applause from the crowd), to wearing her zebra jumpsuit on stage. Before the intermission rolled around, there was time for one more comedian, that one being the brilliant Brit and master of deadpan comedy, Jimmy Carr. He appeared on stage with what looked like two iPad’s, filled with facts about Montreal that had the crowd in stitches. If anyone can poke fun at this city, it’s Jimmy Carr. The comedian was also heckled at a point by someone in the front row, to which Carr showed no mercy towards him. It was brilliant. Montreal favorite and Just For Laughs veteran Godfrey came up right after intermission, and as always he killed. Comparing Trump with Trudeau and taking our metro during rush hour to purposely grind up on passengers. A highlight of the show. Big Jay Oakerson closed out the show with his laid-back nasty comedy, telling stories about relationships, and yes, seeing his daughter naked. A fiery set to close out the nastiest show at the festival.

I had the chance to meet up and talk with one of the stars of The Nasty Show, Godfrey, here’s what went down:

GF: Are you excited about being back in Montreal?

Godfrey: Oh yeah, so happy to be back! I’m like one of those old prostitutes; I’ve been around the block! But yeah, I love performing here, beautiful city, it’s amazing. Everything is amazing in Montreal.

GF: Describe yourself in three words:

Godfrey: Very. Passionately. African-American.

GF: You mentioned performing in Dubai, I’m curious to know how does comedy differ over there compared to North America?

Godfrey: Dubai is like Vegas without the gambling. You got to watch what you say about politics and religion, you know you can’t make jokes about Muslims, stuff like that. Other than that they are pretty open, because they’re kind of getting used to stand-up now, especially in the Arab countries it’s been about ten years now, versus North America where comedy has been around for years and years. They’re getting used to the fact that, okay, this is freedom of speech, and they’re just joking. It’s pretty much the same, and also with the internet they get a taste of what they are in for, so it’s great.

GF: How did comedy start for you? Were you always funny?

Godfrey: Yeah, I was always funny, but for me it started when I was in college. That’s when I really knew comedy is what I wanted to do. I would look at the atrocities in the world, and just think you know what, comedy is for me and this is how I will express myself.

GF: From your perspective, describe what kind of comedian you are:

Godfrey: I’d say edgy, intelligent, I love talking about race, that’s my s**t. I like when the room is uncomfortable.

GF: Who would you cite as comedic inspirations for you?

Godfrey: Richard Pryor and George Carlin. They were guys who just told the truth without being afraid, no apprehensions and it was f***ing funny and intellectual.

GF: Your favorite movies?

Godfrey: Oh god, “Goodfellas” is one of my favorites, I got that one everywhere I go, even on my tablet! “Blade 1 and 2”, “Coming To America”, “48 HRS”, there’s so many different types of movies and different genres, you know? I love gangster films, “The Godfather”, “Snatch”, just to name a few.

GF: Your favorite artists or bands?

Godfrey: Okay, Michael Jackson, but this also depends on genre, for hip-hop it’s Wu-Tang Clan, and I love Nas, Jay-Z. I mean I got so many, for jazz I’d say John Coltrane, Miles Davis. This list can go on and on. Let’s keep it at; all black artists are my favorite. I’m passionately black.

GF: Have you ever been star struck?

Godfrey: Oh God yes, I saw Denzel (Washington) at a club once, and it was right after “Training Day” was released, and it was so dope! I went up to him and started repeating lines from the movie. If I think of it now, that was probably the worst thing I could do, but I was so in awe. He was cool as s**t!

GF: What inspires you to be a comedian?

Godfrey: Honestly, the f**kery of it, I like the chaos. The chaos that happens in comedy feeds us. I love thinking racially about stuff, racism is the main problem in this world, you know? Whether it’s chaos within me or the chaos outside, that to me is way comedy works.

GF: What song would have played at your funeral?

Godfrey: “Triumph” by Wu-Tang Clan. Go out with a bang!

GF: What can we expect from you at The Nasty Show?

Godfrey: I don’t know! That’s what’s so great about it, I’m being honest I do not know. I don’t even like to plan anything. Whatever happens it’ll be great though!

     And great he was, along with the entire line-up of the raunchy and funny The Nasty Show. You can still get some tickets for the remaining performances that run through July 29th
at Metropolis, but they are going fast! Visit for more info. See you there!


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